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Ideas for a Free Society
2nd Edition, August 2009
ISBN 978-1-905041-16-9
Editors: Kendra Okonski, Linda Whetstone, Eben Wilson
Ideas have consequences. They influence the political, economic and social systems that govern our actions and affect the way we live our lives. Ideas have inspired many of the political and economic arrangements that have existed at different times in different places. Some of these arrangements have promoted creativity, innovation, peace and prosperity, leading to improvements in quality of life and enabling people to fulfil their myriad needs and goals. Other political and economic arrangements have undermined creativity, inhibited innovation and lead to civil unrest, oppression, starvation, poverty and misery.
For most of history, in most places the latter type of arrangements prevailed and as a consequence the large part of humanity was poor, oppressed and miserable. Beginning around 1500, the political and economic arrangements in some Western European countries began to shift - and improvements in living standards began to be felt throughout those societies.
Over the course of the past two hundred years, the number of countries with such beneficial political and economic arrangements has gradually increased. As a result, this period has seen rapid improvements in technology and economic conditions. Meanwhile, the number of people living in abject poverty has been declining in absolute terms for fifty years in spite of a dramatic rise in the world population. Nevertheless, over a billion people continue to live in miserable circumstances.
This CD is designed for those who are interested in what these beneficial economic and political arrangements are that lead to economic growth and have the capacity to eliminate poverty. It does not pretend to provide a definitive answer but rather to point people in the right direction.
The title of the CD, "Ideas for a Free Society," was inspired by the observation that the political and economic arrangements that seem to be most conducive to peace and prosperity are those that exist in free societies. In such societies, there exist certain institutions that guarantee political, economic and social freedom, and those institutions are in turn underpinned by ideas.
Such ideas have been explored by individuals from many different perspectives, starting with ancient Chinese, Roman and Greek philosophers and continuing to the present day. The reader will find that a rich intellectual debate about the nature of these ideas exists even among the authors of texts on this CD. The contents are not intended to be a comprehensive review of the literature of the subject, which is enormous. Instead, the CD contains a selection of contributions by some of the primary scholars and thinkers who have developed ideas which relate to the free society. Their contributions explain some of the general intellectual concepts and challenges, and the application of these ideas to public policy.
The Editors hope that the selections included on the CD will inspire readers to consider the advantages of the free society, to further investigate the wide array of literature on these topics, and even to put these ideas into practice.
The Value of Freedom Does government create harmony - LAO-TZU
Writing in China in the 6th Century BC, Lao-Tzu suggests that there is more harmony where there is less government.
Freedom, Property and the Rule of Law - JOHN LOCKE
Human beings organize themselves into societies so that they, and their properties, are protected by the laws of that society
A Modest Man Named Smith - LEO ROSTEN
The economist Adam Smith revolutionized economics by analyzing and explaining why a decrease in the power of the state and an increase in individual freedom would reduce poverty and increase prosperity.
An Interview with Adam Smith - Professor EDWIN WEST
An imaginary modern day interview with Adam Smith which discusses his idea of natural law and freedom within the law, and explains some misconceptions about his views.
The Wisdom of Adam Smith - Selected by JOHN HAGGERTY
Adam Smith had a profound effect on the way the world viewed the relationship between the state and the individual.
Federalist No. 10 - JAMES MADISON
An extensive system of checks and balances helps to limit the size and power of government, and its growth over time. These checks and balances also hold off the erosion of individual rights by vested interests.
Can Democracies be Despotic? - ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE
Democracy can reduce the disadvantages of extreme government centralization but not eliminate them.
Essential Bastiat - SAUVIK CHAKRAVERTI
A compilation of some of the works of Frédéric Bastiat, a 19th century French politician and journalist who believed in the importance of freedom, and delighted in exposing fallacies in the arguments of those who believed that the state should play a strong role in the economy.
The law and morality are central tenets of a free society, but government threatens freedom when it uses ‘the law’ to become too active in the economy.
Self protection is the only reason that justifies mankind in interfering with the freedom of action of other individuals.
Of Individuality - JOHN STUART MILL
Without freedom, individuals cannot develop, and society will only develop where individuals are free.
Liberalism In the Classical Tradition - LUDWIG VON MISES
Government should have an important but limited role in preserving those circumstances under which the free market can flourish.
The Open Society and Its Enemies - KARL POPPER
Karl Popper advocates an open society of free individuals and suggests that large scale social engineering/planning will have disastrous consequences.
The Road To Serfdom - FRIEDRICH HAYEK
Collectivism, whereever it is found, destroys personal liberty. In this popular work Hayek explains the process by which freedom is lost through central planning.
What is Capitalism? - AYN RAND
Rand advocates capitalism on moral and philosophical grounds, and suggests it is the only system that takes account of man as a rational being.
Man's Rights - AYN RAND
There is only one fundamental right which is a human being's right to his or her own life. All others rights follow from this.
The Ethics of Emergencies - AYN RAND
A brief extract on the issue of altruism versus self-interest. Ayn Rand draws some unexpected conclusions.
The "Conflicts" of Men's Interests - AYN RAND
Rand counters the idea that competition over scarce resources leads to conflict.
The Nature of Government - AYN RAND
Rang suggests that the only proper task of government, and its moral justification, is to protect the rights of citizens by banishing physical force from social relationships under an objective code of conduct.
The Use of Knowledge in Society - FRIEDRICH HAYEK
One of the greatest challenges for societies is how to make the best use of all the knowledge that exists. One way to approach the issue is through central planning by the state and the other is with dispersed planning through free markets.
The Intellectuals and Socialism - FRIEDRICH HAYEK
The ideas of economists and political philosophers are spread through society by intellectuals who are often attracted to socialism because it offers the means of altering society in ways that they consider desirable.
Introduction to The Constitution of Liberty - FRIEDRICH HAYEK
Hayek provides a modern restatement of the ideals of freedom that have guided the growth of Western civilization. He suggests that if freedom is to be preserved, people must understand and believe those ideals.
Which Freedom? - BRUNO LEONI
The concept of "freedom" requires that we have a mutual understanding of its meaning.
FRIEDMAN: Introduction to Capitalism & Freedom - Milton Friedman
Friedman discusses why the scope of government must be limited, and why government power must be dispersed, to uphold both economic and political freedom.
Economic Freedom versus Political Freedom - MILTON FRIEDMAN
Human beings flourish when they have individual freedom, and when the role of the state is limited to protecting these freedoms.
Is government really necessary? Is government our protector…or our destroyer? A society based on freedom will provide the order under which human beings function most efficiently and happily. This book discusses freedom, why man needs it and how can a truly free society be built and maintained.
Made Orders and Spontaneous Orders - FRIEDRICH HAYEK
Orderly structures develop that are the product of men’s action but are not the result of human design.
Liberty Against Power - ROY CHILDS
A plea to give individuals freedom.
The Ideal of Democratic Capitalism - MICHAEL NOVAK
Democratic capitalism is an ideal as well as a system which has proven to be the most effective solution to the needs of the poor, the hungry and the oppressed.
The Virtue of Liberty - TIBOR MACHAN
A thorough and wide ranging review of the ideas that underpin classical liberalism, and the different versions of this philosophy.
A free society is based on the rule of law and the common law, while an unfree society is based on the rule of men and discretionary law.
How to End All Wars Forever - ASLAM EFFENDI
A Socratic dialogue in Swot, Pakistan, between a young student who read Karl Marx's book "Das Kapital", and a wise old professor who addresses fallacies in the student's thinking.
Economic Freedom and Development - WOLFGANG KASPER
Some countries prosper while others do not. The difference between the two can be explained by the different sets of rules of coordination, or institutions, that govern their economies.
Principles of a Free Society - NIGEL ASHFORD
This brief text provides a superb outline description of the institutions that help create a free society and the underlying principles of those institutions.
How Markets WorkExchange and Prices
A free market is an endless series of voluntary exchanges between two parties who both expect to benefit from them.
The Power of the Market - MILTON and ROSE FRIEDMAN
This extract explains the process by which free societies can deliver the innumerable goods and services that everyone wants at the right place at the right time.
Twenty Myths about Markets - TOM PALMER
Some of the "conventional wisdom" about markets is thought to be common sense but is simply wrong.
Common Sense Economics; What Everyone Should Know about Wealth and Prosperity - JAMES D. GWARTNEY, RICHARD L. STROUP, and DWIGHT R. LEE
This book uses simple, clear language to explain basic principles about different types of economic arrangements, and why some nations prosper while others stagnate or even regress.
Free Your Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Political Economy - SAUVIK CHAKRAVERTI
Designed for people who would like to understand more about economics and politics and generally become better informed citizens.
How Markets Work: Disequilibrium, Entrepreneurship and Discovery - ISRAEL M. KIRZNER
Mainstream market economics assume perfect knowledge, and the ability of buyers and sellers to buy or sell as much as they wish at the prevailing market price. However the success of the market lies in a process of discovery driven by dynamic competition and the ability of some players to discover superior ways of producing goods and/or taking advantage of hitherto unrecognized resources.
Adam Smith - A Primer - EAMONN BUTLER
This text provides an excellent summary of the ideas of Adam Smith, placing him in context as a social philosopher who understood the moral position of Man in a free world.
Market Controls
Price Controls - HUGH ROCKOFF
Government price controls on goods and services prevent prices from balancing supply and demand and create shortages or surpluses, depending on whether they are set above or below those that would have prevailed in a free market.
Rent Control - WALTER BLOCK
Economists agree that rent controls, which limit the price that a landlord may charge a tenant, cause a shortage of housing.
Division of Labour
The Pin Factory - ADAM SMITH
The division and specialization of labor greatly increases productivity, earning capacity and living standards.
I, Pencil: My Family Tree - LEONARD READ
Not a single person in the world knows all the processes required to make a pencil, and yet voluntary exchange enables hundreds of people to cooperate together in their production without any central direction.
Interests and Incentives
The Invisible Hand - ADAM SMITH
The invisible hand of free market prices leads humans to produce those goods and services that are desired by others in society, even if they do not know them personally.
Society and Self-Interest - ADAM SMITH
We are all more likely to provide goods and services for others in society if we benefit by doing so.
On Commerce - VOLTAIRE
Merchants are of more use to all of us than princes or politicians.
Competition and Profit
Monopoly versus Free Trade - ADAM SMITH
The general interest is best served if the state does not enable and encourage collusion amongst producers.
Letter to a Grandson - MR. KENT
Are profits earned at the expense of someone else?
Property Rights
The Politics - ARISTOTLE
Around 350 years BC, Aristotle challenged the view of his teacher Plato over the idea that common ownership of property would enable citizens to live ideal lives.
Property and the Law - DAVID HUME
Men and society will only prosper under certain rules relating to the protection of property.
Property Rights - ARMEN A. ALCHIAN
Private property rights are the rights of humans to use specified goods and to exchange them. They do not conflict with human rights; they are human rights.
Toward a Theory of Property Rights - HAROLD DEMSETZ
Private property creates incentives so that those who stand to benefit from any actions also pay the costs associated with them.
The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else -
People in poor countries do not lack entrepreneurship, they lack access to capital. Economic growth will be limited without capital formation and capital formation is impossible without recognized property rights. So a formal system of property rights is a prerequisite to the reduction of poverty.
How can the institution of private property be provided? The authors of this paper propose that a variety of solutions are possible in different places.
Unintended Consequences
Economics in One Lesson - HENRY HAZLITT
A primer on economics which analyses common and widespread fallacies which are used as a justification for government intervention in the economy
What is Seen and What is not Seen - FREDERIC BASTIAT
An explanation of the unforeseen consequences of government action.
Conclusion, from Capitalism & Freedom - MILTON FRIEDMAN
There is a continuing threat to capitalism after the demise of communism but it is less visible because it comes from those within and with good intentions.
Creating Jobs versus Creating Wealth - DWIGHT R. LEE
Jobs are a means to the end of creating wealth and if provided by government and paid for with taxes, they may destroy more wealth than they create.
"Inflation" - LUDWIG VON MISES
Inflation is one of five lectures on economic policy delivered by Professor von Mises in Argentina in 1958. Although written more than half a century ago, it is still entirely relevant in the 21st century.
Contemporary ChallengesTolerance
Religious Tolerance - VOLTAIRE
Harmony is only possible where there is complete religious freedom.
Those who believe in freedom must be intolerant of every sort of intolerance.
The Rights and Responsibilities of Women - ANGELINA GRIMKE
Why should circumstances of sex give men different rights to women?
Discrimination - LINDA GORMAN
Is government action the best means of reducing discrimination, or do free markets produce better outcomes for those who may be discriminated against?
The Subjection of Women - JOHN STUART MILL
Men and women should be treated completely equally under the law.
Egalitarianism: A Delicate Dilemma - PETER BAUER
Is it possible for a state to reduce economic differences between its citizens and for society to remain open and free?
Some differences between people are created by the rules of nature and these must be accepted, whilst those differences created by laws should be challenged, particularly those relating to women.
Equality, Value and Merit - FRIEDRICH HAYEK
We can achieve either equality before the law or material equality but not both at the same time as they are in conflict with one another.
Created Equal - MILTON and ROSE FRIEDMAN
Neither equality under the law nor equality of opportunity conflict with the freedom to shape one's own life but equality of outcome is in clear conflict with liberty.
Islam, Civil Society and Market Economy - ed. ATILLA YAYLA
A discussion of the role played by freedom in developing the institutions of 'society', liberal democracies and market economies and the relevance of this to Islamic countries.
Poverty and Growth
Economic Growth: The Only Way Out of Poverty - ROBERT E. ANDERSON
The only way to reduce poverty around the world is to increase the rate of economic growth.
Government Failure versus Market Failure - ROBERT E. ANDERSON
Private markets may not provide perfect outcomes but government attempts to improve on the situation usually produce even worse results.
The Land and the People - PETER BAUER
A challenge to the view that access to land is the main determinant of prosperity.
Foreign Aid: Abiding Issues - PETER BAUER
Foreign aid is demonstrably neither necessary nor sufficient to promote economic progress.
Population Explosion: Disaster or Blessing? - PETER BAUER
Influential voices deplore the population explosion in developing countries but experience shows that population growth drives development.
More People, Greater Wealth, Expanded Resources, Healthier Environment - JULIAN SIMON
It is a common belief that as population grows people are reduced to misery and poverty, but the facts indicate that the opposite is true, because poverty has reduced over the last 100 years even though population has been increasing.
The Ultimate Resource 2 - JULIAN SIMON
Human beings are not the problem but the solution to the problem of scarce resources.
Trade and Globalisation
In Defense of Global Capitalism - JOHAN NORBERG
An easy to read explanation of how the spread of the free market economy has bought about the swiftest reduction of hunger and poverty in human history.
The Candlemakers' Petition - FREDERIC BASTIAT
A satirical essay mocking the arguments of those who petition government to protect their products from competing imports.
Globalization: Threat or Opportunity to Women in the Developing World?- JO KWONG
Views on globalization are wide ranging. This paper examines the term and reviews some of the prevailing perceptions about globalization, in particular its impact on women.
The Environment
Eco-nomics - RICHARD L. STROUP
For those who are concerned about the environment and are seeking solutions, this book provides a template for dealing with environmental problems.
Toward a Theory of Property Rights - HAROLD DEMSETZ
Harold Demsetz develops the theory of property rights to show how private property creates incentives so that those who stand to benefit from any actions also pay the costs associated with them.
How Best to Cope with Climate Change? - WOLFGANG KASPER
There are two possible ways of coping with a changing climate. One is by government regulation and planning and the other is through market processes.
Risk and Precaution
Risk and Precaution. Worrying More About Less - Professor Sir COLIN BERRY
Human health and longevity generally improve year on year in many parts of the world. At the same time, demands for greater regulation of the factors that affect them also increase. The result may be to increase risk rather than reduce it.
Baptists and Bootleggers: the Education of a Regulatory Economist - BRUCE YANDLE
Highly organized groups in society use the regulatory process to further their own interests at the expense of the general interest.
Rent Seeking Behind the Green Curtain - JONATHAN ADLER
Special interests use environmental concerns to influence government policies and thereby give themselves a competitive advantage.
Government Failure
The Failures of State Schooling in Developing Countries and People's Response - JAMES TOOLEY and PAULINE DIXON
Private schools for the poor are springing up in great numbers in Africa and Asia and signal the urgent need for a rethink on the provision of education in developing countries.
Informal Finance: Encouraging the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Post-Mao China - MICHAEL GONZALEZ
China's capitalist revolution has been largely dependent for finance on provision by the informal sector.
Grassroots Capitalism Thrives in India - BARUN MITRA
Inventiveness has overcome oppressive government regulation in India but how much more productive would entrepreneurs be if these barriers were removed?
Understanding EconomicsCommon Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know about Wealth and Prosperity - JAMES D. WARTNEY, RICHARD L STROUP and DWIGHT R LEE
This book uses simple, clear language to explain basic principles about different types of economic arrangements, and why some nations prosper while others stagnate or even regress.
Free Your Mind: A Beginner's Guide to Political Economy - SAUVIK CHAKRAVERTI
Designed for people who would like to understand more about economics and politics and generally become better informed citizens.
Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey - KEN SCHOOLLAND
This modern fable explains the principles of a market economy in a simple manner and illustrates how unlimited government generates misery and poverty.
Economics in One Lesson - HENRY HAZLITT
A primer on economics which analyses common and widespread fallacies which are used as a justification for government intervention in the economy.
Hayek: His Contribution to the Political and Economic Thinking of our Time - DR. EAMONN BUTLER
The essence of Friedrich Hayek's ideas are presented in terms that are easy to understand.
Islam, Civil Society and Market Economy- ed. ATILLA YAYLA
A discussion of the role played by freedom in developing the institutions of 'society', liberal democracies and market economies and the relevance of this to Islamic countries.
Principles for a Free Society - NIGEL ASHFORD
This brief text provides a superb outline description of the institutions that help create a free society and the underlying principles of those institutions.
Policies for FreedomEconomic Freedom of the World - FRASER INSTITUTE
Nations that are economically free outperform non-free nations in all measures of wellbeing.
This Index is a careful theoretical analysis of the factors that most influence economic growth.
The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy - LAWRENCE REED
Seven principles which, if followed readily by policymakers, would make the world stronger, freer and more prosperous.
Economic Freedom and Development - WOLFGANG KASPER
Some countries prosper while others do not. The difference between the two can be explained by the different sets of rules of coordination, or institutions, that govern their economies.
Make Poverty History: Tackle Corruption - WOLFGANG KASPER
The abuse of political power for private benefit is profoundly unjust to the poor and other honest citizens. Singapore and Estonia are examples of two countries who have tackled the blight of corruption by promoting economic growth.
Toward a Theory of Property Rights - HAROLD DEMSETZ
Harold Demsetz develops the theory of property rights to show how private property creates incentives so that those who stand to benefit from any actions also pay the costs associated with them.
The Role of Institutions in Entrepreneurship - FREDERIC SAUTET
Institutions are vital to the expansion of entrepreneurial activity which is at the heart of the process of development and economic growth.
The Nature and Role of Entrepreneurship in Markets - ISRAEL KIRZNER and FREDERIC SAUTET
Entrepreneurship derives from the creative power of the human mind and consists of the discovery of profitable ideas that enable market actors to exploit new, socially beneficial gains from trade. It is the driving force of the market, and it makes progress and sustained prosperity possible.
The Role of Property Rights as an Institution - KAROL BOUDREAUX
It is now accepted that property rights play a key role in development and growth. The challenge is how to implement them effectively.
Doing Business 2009 - WORLD BANK
This report systematically investigates the scope and manner of regulations that enhance business and those that constrain it.
The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. HERNANDO DE SOTO
People in poor countries do not lack entrepreneurship, they lack access to capital. Economic growth will be limited without capital formation and capital formation is impossible without recognized property rights. So a formal system of property rights is a prerequisite to the reduction of poverty.
Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow - LUDWIG VON MISES
Five fascinating lectures delivered in Argentina by Professor von Mises in 1958.
The Failures of State Schooling in Developing Countries and People's Response - JAMES TOOLEY and PAULINE DIXON
Private schools for the poor are springing up in great numbers in Africa and Asia and signal the urgent need for a rethink on the provision of education in developing countries.
Informal Finance: Encouraging the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Post-Mao China - MICHAEL GONZALEZ
China's capitalist revolution has depended on finance provided by the informal sector.
Grass Roots Capitalism Thrives in India - BARUN MITRA
Inventiveness has overcome oppressive government regulation in India but how much more productive would entrepreneurs be if these barriers were removed?
How can the institution of private property be provided? The authors of this paper propose that a variety of solutions are possible in different places.